Agile Scenario Planning in a Crisis

Oliver Wight’s webinar focuses on a highly effective way to navigate the unknown caused by the COVID-19 virus – the use of scenario planning.

The presenters share the viewpoint of the executive team, who must make tough decisions in a tumultuous economy. They also share the viewpoint of the managerial team that develops scenarios to support the decision-making process.

In doing so, the presenters share their first-hand experience in leveraging the power of scenario planning.

In this webinar you will learn:

  • The value of scenarios that evaluate such factors as: how long will our business be disrupted, how deep of an impact on our business, and what will recovery look like?
  • How to use scenarios to recommend the best use of a company’s resources (including people, assets, and cash) in a volatile market.
  • A proven framework for scenario planning that includes analysis, monitoring of business conditions, and triggers for implementing contingency plans.
  • The most effective forum for presenting scenarios and recommending decisions to be made by executives.
  • A process for creating scenarios when there is urgency for understanding current conditions and risks.

Pam Lindsey, Robert Hirschey, and Chris Groven

For more Scenario Planning resources during the COVID19 Pandemic:

 1. Advisories – Guidance – Policy  3. Analysis – Business and Economic Scenarios
US Gov – Response, Health & Safety, Travel McKinsey – COVID19 Implications for business
CDC – Guidance: Individual, Employers, Organizations Gartner – HR, IT, Supply Chain
World Health Org – Situation Reports, Technical Guidance PWC – COVID19 Supply Chain Disruption
 2. Data: Raw – Aggregated – Visual  4. Public and Consumer Sentiment
Johns Hopkins – COVID19 Cases (Global to Local) Morning Consult – COVID19 Consumer Habits
Visual Capitalist – COVID19 Data to Dashboard Pew Research – COVID19 Public Threats & Concerns
Informationisbeautiful – COVID19 Graphics Stay Close to Your Stakeholders – Support, Align, Prepare